Making tutorial for beginners and for trainers was super fun!
We meet in Cave, hosted but Concetto Danza Association to record many tutorials.
Trainers Workout tutorials If you are a sports trainer, a coach or a volunteer, we prepared for you a series of video tutorials to support your older people community in working out! Thanks to our tutorials, you can help your older community members to develop a healthy attitude toward sports. You will be able to help them work out safely!
If you want to practice sports at home... Now is possible!
You can workout at home... is easy and fun! You will notice many benefits soon... Follow out tutorials to work out at home! We have prepared a series of tutorials with physical exercises that you can perform right at home. You can find aerobic, resistance, flexibility and balance exercises. Light but constant physical activity helps reduce the risk of diseases and complications in your life, especially for aged people ENJOY!
